Monday, April 25, 2011

The Maiden Entry

If you are reading this, you probably know we have a T-Shirt Design contest running until mid-May. You design a T-shirt, if you win, it becomes our signature shirt. For more details click here. Well, today we got our first entry. Thats right, even if you don't win, your creation might see the light of day anyway. So make it good. This is a good start, but we are expecting each entry to be above and beyond the last. Show us your best. Here it is... and appropriately, its a tribute to Lance "Go Eff Yourself" Cook.

P.S. If you want to win this thing, take down the $100, and become a part of history, lets pay attention to presentation. The more professional, the more impressive- This thing isn't just going to come down to ideas, execution counts. You guys can do this.

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