Sunday, May 22, 2011

And The Winner Is...

Thanks to the few people who took the time to submit a T-Shirt entry for our T-Shirt Contest, even if you didn't win, it was greatly appreciated. I think we grossly underestimated either the capability of our regulars in such matters or how many people like good prizes in general. Because, when all is said and done, this was basically easy contest to win, and the prize was a good one. Tell me you don't have time. Tell me you aren't a great graphic designer. But don't dare tell me you don't like $100 bar tabs. There's always the other option - that people underestimated what it would take to win this thing. We had a few cute submissions - references to Lance, A couple cool designs, and a few okay slogans. But the winner is a cut above - well thought out, well executed, and overall inspired. So without further adieu...

Congratulations to John Grossbard, winner of this the 2011 Union Pub T - Shirt Contest... Here's the design:

So there you have it... Congrats Grossbard, and thanks to everyone who played for playing. For those of you who played and lost, or didn't even bother throwing their hat in, I leave you with this. 

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